Opsys featured on Automotive News

Lidar company Opsys Tech says a million new vehicles a year will be equipped with its lidar sensors starting in 2025.
The Israeli sensor company has reached a deal to supply lidar to global auto supplier SL Corp., which will utilize the lidar sensors in production vehicles as early as 2024, Eitan Gertel, Opsys' chairman, said this week at CES.
SL Corp. will work to integrate the company's lidar systems into headlights and taillights, which helps to standardize both their use and care.
"It simplifies integrating it onto existing platforms," Gertel said. "It's much easier and you don't have to worry about other issues. Obviously you have to interface and do the data processing, but the lidar itself doesn't cause people to have to rethink how they mount sensors on a car."
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